As we continue to fumble our way through Covid and these winter months, it’s a great time to check in with yourself. An opportunity to see what is working for you in the areas of mental and physical health while working at home and what feels challenging. Go easy with your expectations, as we are doing so much in this time of fear and stress. There really are no rules, but to try and be kind to yourself and others.
Have a daily routine during the week. Try and go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. With flexibility and ease, get dressed, make your bed, eat something and do your best to stick to it. Oh, did I say coffee?
Find a space for yourself to work. Whether it be school or business that you’re working on. A place where you can call your own. It may end up being your bedroom, but remember at the end of your work time, put your computer away, so you are not always thinking of work or school.
Take several breaks during the day. Include movement, exercise and/or fresh air during these breaks. Sitting all day, in front of a computer, can easily lead to a lot of physical discomfort and pain. Movement is key. Stretch, breathe and be.
Try and get outside for at least 30 minutes a day. A good time to include your exercise and movement. Fresh air and daylight are essential to our bodies functioning properly. Make sure the curtains are open and the light is shining in.
Set daily objectives as each day rolls into the next day. Working from home can be challenging, but writing down what you would like to accomplish for the day is a great way to manage your time. Know your limits. If you don’t get through what you have set out to do, move it to the top of the list for the next day.
Manage your time on social media. Make sure your phone is away from view if you are working on a project. Try and not waste time on scrolling and be intentional with your posts. Avoid making your phone the first thing you look at in the morning and the last thing you see at night.
Engage in a creative endeavor. Music, reading, art, writing, playing an instrument and cooking are all good for the soul. Find something that feels good for you.
Helping others is part of feeling good. Reach out to a family member, a friend, your peers or colleagues, can have a wonderful impact on your day. Loneliness can be especially challenging at this time, so for your sake and the sake of others, pick up the phone or set up a facetime or zoom call.
Be grateful for the little things that you experience in your day. Give thanks for health, food, work, for supportive colleagues, teachers and family and the freedom to walk outside.
Stay well, stay safe and stay calm.
Trish and The Tools for All Teens Team.